- Important Dates
- Conference Dates:Nov. 26-27, 2022
- Submission Deadline Extended:Oct. 31, 2022
- Notification:
- 20-40 days after the submission
- Publication:
- 7-10 days after the final edition
- Contact Information
- Email: conference123net@126.com
- Cell Phone: 0086-18101720867
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- WeChat: 18101720867
The information about the Keynote Speakers of MEDLIFE2022 is as follows, which will be updated regularly.

Biography: Dr. Tian Qiu, a doctor of psychiatry, an academic member of the Sleep Disorders Special Committee of the Chongqing Psychological Association, a secretary of the Chongqing Department of the Western Psychosomatic Medicine Special Committee, a member of the Youth Study Group of the Psychiatry Special Committee of Chongqing Physicians Association, a member of the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Group of Chongqing Medical Association, a member of the Psychological Association of Chongqing Medical Association, a member of the Family Education Special Committee of Chongqing Psychological Association.
Topic: Association Among Calf Circumference, Physical Performance, and Depression in the Elderly Chinese Population: a Cross-sectional Study
Abstract: Depression and sarcopenia are common diseases in the elderly population. However, the association between them is controversial. Based on the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey (CLHLS) database, a cross-sectional study was conducted to explore the relationship between calf circumference and physical performance with depression. Methods: From the 8th wave of CLHLS conducted in 2018, data on calf circumference, physical performance, depressive symptoms, and demographic, socioeconomic, and health-related characteristics were collected. Multiple logistic regression was conducted to explore the impact of calf circumference, physical performance and their combination on depressive symptoms. Results: We enrolled a total of 12,227 раrtіcіраnts aged 83.4 ± 11.0 years, including 5689 (46.5%) men and 6538 (53.5%) women. Patients with depression were more likely to have low calf circumference (2274 [68.2%] vs. 5406 [60.8%], p<0.001) and poor physical performance (3[0, 6] vs. 1[0, 4], p<0.001). A significant multiplicative interaction was found between calf circumference and physical performance in their effect on depression. After adjusting for confounding factors, multiple logistic regression showed that a significant inverse correlation persisted between physical performance and depressive symptoms in normal (odds ratio [OR] = 1.20, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.15–1.26, p<0.001) and low (OR = 1.14, 95% CI: 1.11–1.18, p<0.001) calf circumference group, while the association between calf circumference and depression disappeared. Ƥartіcіpants with low calf circumference and poor physical performance were 2.21 times more likely to have depression than those with normal calf circumference and physical performance. All results were found to be robust in sensitivity analyses. Conclusions: Physical performance was significantly associated with depression in the elderly Chinese population. Attention should be paid to assess depressive symptoms in patients with poor physical performance.

Biography: Dr. Chang Liu is currently Associate Director of Bioinformatics Research Center in Institute of Medicinal Plant Development (IMPLAD) affiliated with Chinese Academy of Medical Science (CAMS) in Beijing, China. Professor Liu graduated from University of Minnesota (Twin Cities Campus) with a Ph.D. degree. Professor Liu has published more than 100 research papers in academic journals including Science, Nature Communication, Nucleic Acids Research, Molecular Ecology Resources, PNAS and etc. He has edited six books and holds a dozen patents and software copyrights. He has received more than twenty grants from various sources. He was awarded two national awards for the Development of DNA Barcode-based Molecular Identification System for Medicinal Plants. He has served as the Editor-in-Chief for the SCI journal Mitochondrial DNA Part B-Resources since 2019.
Topic: Construction and Analysis of Evaluation System for the Registration of Functional Food Crude Materials Based on AHP
Abstract: Objective: To implement an evaluation system of functional food crude materials for their ranking to support the registration policy as required by the Chinese legislation. Methods: First, the literature review and expert interview were used to determine the factors and their hierarchical relationships for the construction of the Functional Food Crude Materials Evaluation System (FUFMES). Secondly, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method was used to calculate the weights of these factors. Thirdly, the extreme value was calculated for each factor; Fourthly, the index score and the ranking result were generated for each crude material; Lastly, the rankings obtained based on FUFMES were compared with that from the expert panel. Results: A total of 56 factors that were important for the evaluation were identified. These factors were organized in three levels. The weights of these factors were determined using the AHP method. Nine crude materials were analyzed using FUFMES to generate the following index scores: Panax quinquefolium (0.49), Panax ginseng (0.48), Ginkgo biloba (0.21), Ganoderma lucidum spore powder (0.08), fish oil (0.06), Spirulina platensis (0.03), Coenzyme Q10 (0.02), melatonin (0.01), garlic oil (−0.03). Comparison of the rankings based on FUFMES index score and those by the experts showed high degree of consistency. Conclusion: FUFMES for integrated evaluation of the functional food crude materials were successfully established. FUFMES will become an invaluable tool for the ranking and evaluation of functional food crude materials catalogue.

Biography: Dr. Aifeng Li, doctor of medicine, associated professor, graduated from Capital Medical University majoring in audiology. She works in the Department of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, the Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University. She is a member of the Chinese Association of Pathophysiology and has authored many scientific publications in prestigious journals. Prof. Li’s main research fields are exploring the mechanism of sensorineural hearing loss, rehabilitation after cochlear implantation and related audiology research. She also delivered many speeches on the otolaryngologist conference of Chinese Medical Association.
Topic: The Characteristics of Otoacoustic Emissions in Full-term Neonates According to ABO Blood Groups
Abstract: Introduction: Previous research has suggested that individuals with different blood groups show varied incidences of noise-induced hearing loss. The reduced otoacoustic emissions amplitudes indicate the higher possibility of outer hair cell damage for noise exposure. Objective: The objective is to analyze the characteristics of otoacoustic emissions, including the occurrence of spontaneous otoacoustic emission and the amplitudes of distortion product otoacoustic emission at certain frequencies in full term neonates with different ABO blood groups. Methods: A total of 80 selected full-term female neonates who passed the initial newborn hearing screen were enrolled into the study, with equal number of participants in four ABO blood groups (Blood Group A, Blood Group B, Blood Group AB, Blood Group O). Measurements of spontaneous otoacoustic emission and distortion product otoacoustic emission were performed in both ears for all participants. Results: (1) The blood group O participants showed significantly fewer spontaneous otoacoustic emission occurrences than the other three blood groups (A = 70%, B = 80 %, AB = 67 %, O= 25 %, p < 0.05). (2) The blood group O participants showed lower DPOAE amplitudes at 1257 Hz (M = 4.55 dB, SD = 8.36), 1587 Hz (M = 11.60 dB, SD = 6.57), 3174 Hz (M = 7.25 dB, SD = 5.99), 5042 Hz (M = 13.60, SD = 6.70) than participants with the other three blood groups in left ears (p < 0.05). In right ears, the blood group O participants showed reduced amplitudes at 1257 Hz (M = 6.55 dB, SD = 8.36), 1587 Hz (M = 13.60 dB, SD = 6.57), 3174 Hz (M = 7.65 dB, SD = 6.43), 5042 Hz (M = 13.65 dB, SD = 6.50) than participants from non-O blood groups (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Female individuals with blood group O have lower otoacoustic emissions values than individuals with the other three blood groups. We need to further investigate the possible relationships between the ABO blood group and cochlear function, including the potential influences of noise damage on cochlear outer hair cells.