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Dec. 13-14, 2016
Shanghai, China
Keynote Speakers
The information about the Keynote Speakers of MEDLIFE2016 is as follows, which will be updated regularly.
Dr. Hossny El Banna, Professor
Pharmacology Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt

Biography: Dr. Hossny El Banna is currently professor at Pharmacology Department at Cairo University since 2000. One of his research areas of interests is to evaluate the pharmacological activities of medicinal plants. He has published more than 60 peer-reviewed journals and 50 conference papers. He is currently as reviewer for several journals in the field of pharmacology. He has also invited as a speaker of many international conferences. His major research interests are: Pharmacological activities of medicinal plant, Pharmacokinetics and bioequivalence studies.

Topic: Antiulcer Activity of Some Egyptian Medicinal Plants

Abstract: Ulcer is a common gastrointestinal disorder which is seen among many people. Ulcer is basically an inflamed break in the skin or the mucus membrane lining the alimentary tract. Ulceration occurs when there is a disruption of the normal equilibrium induced by either enhanced aggression or diminished mucosal resistance. It may be due to the massive and regular drug intake especially non steroidal anti-inflammatory, irregular food habits, and stress. Peptic ulcers are a broad term that includes ulcers of digestive tract in the stomach or the duodenum. The formation of peptic ulcers depends on the presence of acid and peptic activity in gastric juice plus a breakdown in mucosal defenses. Several synthetic drugs are available to treat ulcers but these drugs are expensive and may induced side effects as compared to herbal medicines. The literature revealed that several medicinal plants can be used for the treatment of ulcer as traditional medicinal practitioners. The ideal aims of peptic ulcer treatment are to relieve pain, heal the ulcer, and delay ulcer recurrence.
In the present review attempts have been made to know about some medicinal plants which may be used as well as modern science for the treatment or prevention of peptic ulcer.

Dr. Chi-Chang Chang, Associate Professor
School of Medical Informatics, ChungShan Medical University, Taiwan

Biography: Dr. Chi-Chang Chang is currently an associate professor of medical informatics in the Chung Shan Medical University's College of Health Care and Management, and also a consultant on Biomedical Industry Research Center & Medical Information Center, Chung-Shan Medical University Hospital. Dr. Chang received the Ph.D. degree in Industry Engineering Management from the Yuan-Ze University. He is academic member of the Association for Information Systems and Society for Medical Decision Making. His primary research interests are in the areas of medical decision analysis, reliability engineering, stochastic processes, shared medical decision making, and clinical operational research. He has published in European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of Universal Computer Science, International Journal of Technology Management, Central European Journal of Medicine, Neural Computing and Applications, European Psychiatry etc. To date, he has published more than 100 articles in the forms of journals, book chapters and conference proceedings. Dr. Chang has rich experience in keynote address such as MESS2016, ICMLC2016, ICBP2016, PSYBEHAV2016, ICRE2016, MES2016, ICMLC 2017 and so on.

Topic: Application of Machine Learning to Predict the Colorectal Cancer Recurrence

Abstract: In this keynote speech, we will introduce the research area of Machine Learning (ML), with particular emphasis on its applications in colorectal cancer recurrence. The main objective is to learn an appropriate treatment from the past, with the concern to produce good prognosis for unseen clinical situations. Over the past decade, ML has been growing considerably as it can be used to directly derive patterns, which are relevant to forecast different risk groups among the patients. According to the literature review, the cure rate of colorectal cancer is quite high if detected early, but approximately 30% of stage IB2 to stage IV disease will ultimately recur with modern multimodality treatment. Once the primary treatment has failed, the opportunity of secondary cure is slim. Since, the treatment of recurrence is still a clinical challenge. We will present the most recent results that employ several advances ML techniques as an aim to improve surveillance after treatment might lead to earlier detection of relapse, and precise assessment of recurrent status could improve outcome.

Dr. Hyeon-Jin Kim
Jinis Biopharmaceuticals Co., South Korea

Biography: Dr. Hyeon-Jin Kim is President and founder of Jinis Inc. Before Jinis, She obtained her Ph.D. in Molecular Pharmacology and Biological Chemistry at Northwestern University, Illinois, US. Her passion for biotechnology with scientific training at cutting-edge field was a perfect fit for the needs of a new biotechnology corporation, leading to the establishment of Jinis in Korea. Since its establishment in 2000, Jinis has invested resources in R/D for 15 years, becoming the most rising biotech worldwide. One of the most successful products by Jinis technology is anti-obesity Lactobacillus which is currently top-seller ranked Lactobacillus at GNC stores since its launching last year in US, providing fat-absorption Lactobacillus for safe weight management support.

Topic: Lactobacilli for the treatment of obesity

Abstract: Recent findings on the association of gut microbiota with various diseases, including obesity, prompted us to investigate the possibility of using a certain type of gut bacteria as safe therapeutics for obesity. High throughput screening of natural FFAs-absorbing intestinal microbes led to isolate Lactobacillus reuteri JBD30l with enhanced capacity in absorption of free fatty acids (FFAs). The administration of Lactobacillus JBD30l lowered FFAs concentration in the gut fluid content of small intestine, thus reducing intestinal FFAs absorption while promoting fecal FFAs excretion. Animal data also confirmed efficacy of Lactobacillus JBD30l on body weight and subsequently confirmed in clinical trials. Our results show that FFA-absorbing Lactobacillus JBD301 effectively reduces dietary fat absorption, providing an ideal treatment for obesity with inherent safety.

Dr. Atilla YILMAZ
Neurosurgery Department, Medicine Faculty, Mustafa Kemal University, Turkey

Biography: Dr. Atilla YILMAZ is currently an assistant professor at the neurosurgery Department at Mustafa Kemal University. From 2015, he served as a clinical fellowship in Koc University College of Medicine, Istanbul, TURKEY and as an observer in Florida University, Gainesville, USA. Dr. Yilmaz has published more than 10 peer-reviewed journals and 100 conference papers. He is currently as reviewer and editorial board member for several journals in the field of neurosurgery. He has also invited as a speaker of many international conferences. His major research interests are: Functional neurosurgery and Spine surgery. He also has a lot of experience about war surgery.

Topic: Being a Neighbor to Syria: An Analysis of Patients Brought to Our Clinic for Cranial Gunshot Wounds in the Syrian Civil War - 412 Cases

Abstract: There are a lot of differences between war and civil injury. War injuries usually occur with high velocity and the power increases by the cube of the velocity and linearly with the mass.
So second damage is on the foreground in war injuries. Because of that and with our experience, we suggest that: despite the diversity of views in the literature, patients with GCS of 4 and above should be operated if surgical pathologies exist. If decompressive craniectomy will be done, should be made wide and duraplasty definitely should be added. In duraplasty, Fascia lata must be preferred because of the large grefting possibilty, so the bone flap could be placed in femoral area. The reported mortality rate is 70% in GCS: 4-7 patients. This rate is 44% in our series. We believe that; this is related to our high surgery rate.

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Important Dates
Submission: Aug. 20, 2016
                   (Extended to Nov. 15, 2016)
Conference: Dec. 13-14, 2016
Notification: 20-40 days after the submission
Publication: 20-50 days after the final edition
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